Retail Growth
Get more traffic and sales from your online channels by putting more inventory online. Sell your products where your customers are - on multiple online channels like Shopify, BigCommerce, Amazon and mobile.
Omnichannel Merchandising
Optimize catalog presentation for each channel. Eliminate the hassle and errors of catalog import and export by editing product info directly in Sqquid. Effortlessly showcase your products with a unique touch on every channel.
Real-Time Inventory
Our system always keeps your inventory in sync between your POS and all of your online channels. Great for multi brand retailers, managing B2C and B2B channels. Scalable for small or large catalogs.
Geo Routing
Order geo routing based on live inventory! Sqquid's advanced order logic gets your products to your customers faster or cheaper or both. Learn more about our Order routing logic.
Drop Shipping
Drop ship like a pro! No more workarounds for tracking drop ship products without inventory. Sqquid will automatically route orders to be drop shiped where it should and help your team with accurate reporting.
Shipping Automation
Ship orders cheaper and more efficiently right from your stores with our all-in-one solution. Get your shipments out in a couple of clicks and automatically get the lowest shipping rates from 100+ carriers.
Adopting an omnichannel retail strategy helps businesses connect their online and in-store experiences, creating a seamless shopping journey for customers. It allows retailers to better understand customer behavior, personalize promotions, and boost sales. By integrating systems, businesses can meet customer expectations more effectively, simplify operations, and stay ahead of the competition.
Implementing personalized customer experiences enables retailers to stand out in a competitive market. By tailoring interactions to individual preferences, businesses can boost customer loyalty and increase sales. Focusing on the most loyal customers often yields the highest return on investment, creating a positive cycle of engagement and data collection.
Implementing an omnichannel customer loyalty strategy is essential for modern retail success. By 2024, 40% of retailers are expected to adopt multilevel loyalty programs, aiming to boost retention rates by 20% and Net Promoter Scores by 35%. Integrating loyalty programs with seamless, personalized omnichannel experiences encourages customers to remain engaged and reduces the likelihood of brand switching.
SQQUID integrates between Runit POS and any number of ecommerce channels.
We work with retailers large and small to help them grow sales, streamline operations and lower costs.
In the past, if our POS was down, we had to manually reconcile our online orders. With SQQUID's double-queue order processing, our online orders simply show up once our POS is back online.
Brian Styler, Director of Info Systems & Logistics
JackRabbit (over 60 US store locations)
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Of all the systems we've used, I have to say that SQQUID just makes the most sense. It makes merchandising simple and works the way omnichannel sales should work.
Daniel Kahalani, CEO & Founder
DNA FOOTWEAR (7 store locations in New York)
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Retail is changing. Let's talk about it.
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